Witches & Bitches Abundance Circle
WITh addie beall of the Heartsing podcast
Self Help books piling up? Sitting on the shelf? Read them and don't DO them, even though you mean to? 

Join the club, sister! You know what I found on my journey of losing 100 pounds and creating my life of freedom?

If I did the work with a group, I got it done (or at least some of it), and was able to share and really learn and grow!

Did you know having a community to do things with will increase your likely hood of success? 

This group is to drive us forward, even in moments we feel stagnant. You never know what little nugget might shift your mindset.

We get it done, learn and grow. 

We aren't perfect, life happens, but if we can pick up a few amazing nuggets each month on our Quest to our Highest Self, by the end of the year we are different people, changing at a deep, transformational level. 

We are self-help junkies mixed with some woo (like, we love some spirit guide sessions). heh

What's Included

The WBAC Exclusive Facebook Group: Infused with Abundant Vibes, Addie Lives and Posts (and yours), group shares, book clubs, group calls, vision boards, who knows what we will uncover and create?! Let the magic begin!

Knowledge: Some book clubs, podcast shares, sources and impactful insight. We are DOING THE WORK, together, imperfectly picking up our own nuggets as we go.

Private Website: HUB that houses all resources.

Circle of Abundance: A group of like-minded women open to living in higher vibe energy and exploring how to do so more and more. 

​​Group Calls: We meet to discuss topics, limiting beliefs, thoughts and more. We grow together and we are welcoming YOU. 

This is your sign. 

You can jump in this group any time. There is no missing anything on the quest, only taking action to change.  
Other topics on the table to dive in as a group together: 
  • Law of Attraction: Abraham Hicks, The Secret, Canfield, open to more!
  • Weight Loss/Health: Fast like a Girl, Biohacking Gut Health, Viome, ...
  • Intuition & Spirit Guides: Connect more with our intuition.
  • ​Energy Work/Meditation: Dr. Joe Dispenza, Sound Meditation, Bowls, Energy Centers
  • Money Mindset: Money Blocks, The Life Coach School, Denise Duffield Thomas, Subliminal, Affirmations
  • ​Gratitude: More, More, More of this!
  • ​Completed/In process and you have FULL access to already: The Magic 28 Days, The Tapping Solution, Get Rich Luck B, You Can Heal Your Life

Transformation comes through action. We learn, we experience, and we become. 

Come learn and grow. See what you can discover that is right inside!

Witches & Bitches Abundance Circle (WBAC)

Start your Heroine's Quest and Join Mine! Format of the Group so Far: 
  • The WBAC Exclusive Facebook Group: Infused with Abundant Vibes, Addie Lives and Posts, group shares, book clubs, vision boards, who knows what we will uncover and create?! Let the magic begin!
  • Knowledge: I share my quest as I'm learning it, helping you cut as many corners as you can as you do the work too. We dive into what's important, we make it fun to learn and grow (and also step away from perfectionism)
  • ​Private Website: HUB hosts all my videos and audios of content current and previous, links to resources and more!
  • Circle of Abundance: A group of like-minded women open to living in higher vibe energy and exploring how to do so more and more. We do it together, in whatever capacity that works for you.
  • ​Group Calls: We get together and discuss monthly topics, limiting beliefs, big dreams, and lots of magical shit ;) heh. That was to see if you are reading! 

Some FAQ's & Concerns

I feel like I'm late to the party
Much like I shared my transformation journey on Facebook on Namslayer and some people jumped in and others didn't, this is that work. It is ongoing and you can come and go. You are never late, and always welcome. You can jump in at any point. The content is recorded and simple to follow along if you want to go back on anything, but you can just jump in! How fun is that?!  I even have a messenger thread to update you when chapters are loaded to keep you in the loop real time (and it's only for messages from me about content so it doesn't get overwhelming. 
I always do things and don't finish
And, so what? :) Don't make it the end of the world, because it isn't. I have a shelf full of books I got to Chapter 4 (not sure why it's 4) and others I finished.  Maybe you got what you needed from it (this is my story to myself), and maybe you just needed a group to do it with ;) See what I did there?

 Listen, there will be times you are all in on your time for you and you do every little thing and other times you will feel like you are half ass there. That is life. Step away from perfect. I think I've gotten really good at helping people do this and finish things, imperfectly. 

You don't have to be and do 100% of the things to have massive value. You get back up and get on it. With your new circle of friends, who will feel like sisters in no time (that's what happens when we are talking about all this stuff no one else in our lives wants to hear), you will look forward to doing the work. You will get excited to see what you uncover next. 

So, the question really is, are you ready to overcome perfectionism and take action in spite of the fact that you might not make 100% of everything? Can you change your perception that that is failure and make it just life and that something is better than nothing?

I hope so! I know you would have so much growth, fun and sisterhood doing this with us!
I'm not sure this is for me
Listen my friend, we don't have to get married or anything. hee hee. You can leave this group at any time (but you won't want to) and if you do, I will understand and send you with love. If it's really a huge issue for you when you get in there, just message me and we can exit you sooner, I sure don't want you to suffer being there! But, again, if you read this far, THIS IS FOR YOU. So, the real question is maybe, what are you really scared of? Showing up? Doing the Work? See above...and email me that because that should be interesting convo! slayer@namslayer.com 
I'm not a big Facebook User
No lie, I love Facebook groups because it helps build community easily and for me to share more a-has real time (and for you to share and see others growing too, so inspiring!!). However, I keep the content in the "hub" with is a separate website and you can follow along from there, but you will want to do periodic Facebook check ins or perhaps just put messenger on your phone for alerts. I use it more than email for this because it's fast and easy and I can communicate with our small group easily. 
Memberships are cancelable any time (not that you will desire to do so). heh. Sign up you badass Witchy B!
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